Thursday, April 1, 2010

Deliberate Living

Well there are a few things that have happened in the last few weeks, one of them being several nights with Dr Peter Daniels at a conference at World Harvest. One thing rediscovered for me was the phrase "a sense of Destiny". Sometimes we need to rediscover things that get lost in the whirl wind of life.
If we are not careful we can fall into a "subsistent lifestyle", Living from day to day and waiting for a set of predetermined parameters to to occur before we can start "living life". In doing so we give up our control and decision making to some external source. Something that makes us truly human is our ability to make decisions about how we live our lives. A consequences of living subsistently is that we can often start to feel trapped and caged in, and then frustration sets in.
One of the gifts that God has given us is the "freedom of choice". I am also convinced that He has an ultimate plan for our lives and that we have the freedom to choose whether to follow this plan or not.
A phrase that I have been contemplating is "deliberate living", I think we need to consider carefully how we are going to live and make deliberate choices rather than float along with out purpose, controlled by external factors. I think that we have to seek after that ultimate plan and start to live deliberately making good choices that will lead us along that path.
Not all of us are called to become multimillionaires like Peter Daniels, but we can all have a significant impact upon the people around us by deliberately choosing to have a positive influence in every situation that we are involved in. Let us seek out Gods purpose for us all individually and rediscover what it is like to live with "A Sense of Destiny".

thanks Darrin

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