Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Microsoft Office fail

It was promised that with the release of Microsoft Office 2007 service pack 2, there would support for the 'Open Standard' ODF formats. and what have they delivered?

The support that was released was patchy and buggy, I didn't read much but it appears that the spreadsheet import didn't include formulas just numbers from the cells.

I have a friend that is studying at University, her lecturers have all switched over to the latest MS Office and send their documents in the .docx format (Microsoft's new OOXML format). My friend is unable to open her documents in her spare time at work as their computers have an old version of MS Office that isn't compatible with the new format. She is just grateful that when she gets home she can use the latest version of OpenOffice.org, which she downloaded for free of the internet, to open her Uni work.

I'm looking forward to a 'new day', when interoperability is a goal that every company aims for. While I don't trust any monopoly, I'd rather have one that adheres to and promotes open standards than one that doesn't.

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